
Thursday, 4 February 2016

Journals From Last Summer

Hooray - I now have a device that can access the internet, and an easier way of getting photographs from my camera! I'm now back in business, although I spent a lot of tonight going through all the shots I've taken in the past year or so.

I'll start with some Embodiment Journal shots. Sadly Embodiment has fallen by the wayside since The Wonderful Smaz and I moved here - there's just been so much going on that I've rarely found time to sit and journal. I need to get back into the habit of taking it with me wherever I go, so I can snatch a few minutes here and there. Logging back into Flickr - although a pain as I've not done it in such a long time that my brain needs refreshing on logins and passwords - was very inspiring. I can't believe how much I got done in the earlier days of the challenge, and how crammed my notebooks were ...

(click photos to enlarge)

Embodiment Journal - Flowers
Embodiment Journal - Camping

The above two were a prompt I received over Facebook (I think?). I've never been camping before so I idealised the heck out of it - in reality we'd probably be in a damp tent huddling around a hot water bottle!! It might be fun to try one day, though.
Embodiment Journal - Memories of NanaSadly, my Nana passed away in August last year, after a very long struggle with vascular dementia. This journal page was done after the last time I visited her in the home - she was asleep for most of the visit, and I was in the room alone with her. She looked so peaceful but so different from the Nana I knew growing up - the journal page shows some of my favourite and most vivid memories of her.

Embodiment Journal - Intentional

Embodiment Journal - Itami

Some designs I quickly sketched out for Smaz's video game, Dark Matter Hudokai. Itami, the character shown, appears in one of the story arcs and is part of a cat-like alien race - and I tried to get across her cutesiness without making her look 'catgirlish' especially as the character description called for pink hair.

Embodiment Journal - Next Door

And finally ... a quick watercolour of next door's garden. I was stunned when I first looked out of our hobby-room window - their garden really is lovely!

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