
Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Yarn Along: Spring is here!

... well, maybe that's a bit optimistic. It's still very cold here although there's just a hint of sunset on my way home from work.

Here's a blanket I'm working on.

I'm using the 'join as you go' method for these mini crochet-squares - it's fun to learn a new technique and thankfully I don't have to stitch them all together!

Joining in with Ginny.


doe said...

Very pretty colors! My mother loved joining squares and crocheted many beautiful shawls and blankets that way. It's so nice to see yours.

Melissa said...

Love the pretty spring colors! I need to learn to join as I go. I dread stitching everything together at the end.

Alina said...

Your blanket definitely looks like the spring is just around the corner! Beautiful and fresh colors!

Elaine said...

very pretty Spring colours!

Jodi said...

Lovely! Hooray for spring colors and join-as-you-go.

Elise said...

Ooh I'll need to learn that technique! Looks great, I love those colours :)