
Friday, 26 June 2015

Radio silence

Oh wow. June already and I last updated in ... February.

Admittedly I do have my reasons. Some very good news is that The Wonderful Smaz and I are now settled into our first house! It's a little old property in a small village, with plenty room enough for my stash of art equipment, and his stash of video games and Doctor Who DVDs.

Then my laptop packed up.

It still works technically - I just have to keep it disconnected from the internet, or else everything freezes. It's doing me some good; I now get much less distracted with the web and have a lot of time to get other things done (knitting!! sewing!! oh my), but at some point I will be getting myself a replacement as I'm currently updating on Smaz's laptop!

Here's some art-related photographs of what I've been getting up to. I've been really into my cross-stitch recently, so I've taken a few shots of the cards I've put together. Some of these were done a while ago, but I don't think I've uploaded them here.

(click to enlarge)

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