
Sunday, 30 July 2017

Pampered Peepers

I've been wanting to do some bird illustrations for a while now - I'm a big fan of Gotcha the Cockatoo (Instagram) and Mr Max (YouTube), as well as seeing various bird ('birb') memes floating around Facebook. Drawing birds is a different subject topic for me as well, so it was a good challenge.

After the cockatiel and the pigeon were finished, I printed them out onto photo paper as free gifts for a Lolita fashion meet I organised, and the feedback I got was so nice that I thought I'd do a little postcard run of each design via Vistaprint - and here they are. I've also now opened an Etsy account, which was a very nerve-wracking thing to do but even if I sell a few of these prints, I'm happy!

This is Tatler, the Umbrella Cockatoo - a thoroughly spoiled scream-chicken who lives with his parronts and enjoys dismantling Ocado boxes - and yes, he's dismantled that parasol too.

Winsome by name, winsome by nature! Winnie to her friends, this is a sweet little cockatiel who lives with her refined human roommate Klara, and oversees all the get-togethers Klara has with her equally-posh friends. You can have a tea party safely at Winsome's house; she's taste-tested all the scones and the tea is guaranteed to be quality.

Sir Henry is a distinguished gentleman budgie who lives a peaceful retirement in Burlington Hall with Lord Burlington and his family. A show-off in his younger days, Sir Henry would just rather snooze in his cage these days after a plentiful meal of fresh veggies - and perhaps some scrambled egg on Sunday if he's lucky.

Maevis is a fancy pigeon through and through, used to strutting her stuff at competitions around the country. When she's at home though, she'll go through the odds-and-ends box to fashion accessories for herself, when the lady of the house isn't looking (or too busy with her housemate, Tatler the cockatoo). She is also a big fan of yoga and will start every day without fail with a good stretch.

These are ready to buy at Polyrillustration at Etsy!

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