
Thursday, 7 July 2016

Steven Universe mini cross-stitch: Peridot

 "You may have won the war, but the battle isn't over, Crystal Clods!"

I'm sorry these are taking a while - I've had quite a lot of projects on the go (and I've sworn to myself that I'll get them all done). Here is Peridot - I don't think she'd be big into sewing, but there's some fun fractional stitches and backstitch in different colours to keep even the pickiest Gem interested.

A bit bigger than Steven, Peri measures just under 1.8" x 1.8" on 14-count Aida (including her pointy hairdo). If you want to really give her a boost, replace the 3823 (her hair, the backstitch on the background) with a couple of strands of DMC's glow in the dark thread!

Happy stitching ... clods. Nyeheheh ...

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